Sunday 15 September 2013

Trailer activity-introduction to A2

What is a trailer?

·         Advert

·         Best parts of the film

·         Snips from the film to encourage the right audience.

-          Stresses the actor/director

-          Icons

-          Quotes on what people have said about the film

-          Release dates

·         Plot of the film (but not the whole plot as you would still want the audience left guessing)


What is the purpose?

Propp’s theory: have to have a certain type of character in a narrative. Eg, all narratives have a Villian, hero and victim.
Promote the film, to enable audiences to see what the film will be about.


Trailer activity- The Dark Knight Rises.

1)      Narrative of the film being advertised was an action/thriller.  Already from the trailer we see ‘Binary opposites’ which is the conflict between good and evil. From the advert we are introduced to the villain using sound effects and props.

2)       Only the main events of the film are shown however, not in detail and in non-chronological order  as the entire plot is not wanted to be shown. This is done through; imagery, music, credits and titles.

3)      The trailer is done in non-chronological order, as you do not see the beginning of the film however, mostly the middle and parts near the end as it has the most action.

4)      48 shots are used throughout the trailer in the 2minutes.

5)      Pace editing is used as it starts slow and increases as the when the villains identity is shown. It gets faster as the action between both, hero and villain. Then decreases near the end so it does not give away the ending this is shown as they are both levelled and together at the end balancing out the skill.

6)      It was faded at the start and end, throughout the trailer bold flashes to show the fast paced vibes which the audience will feel throughout the film.

7)      Dialogue of the main characters are used to show who the villain and the hero are. Linked visuals are also used as a voiceover but it is actually part of the film. (when introducing the joker).

8)      The soundtrack itself allows the audience to see what type of genre it it-action.

9)      The close up of the jokers face reinforces the importance. When he was in the interview room and the camera was tilted, it gives almost a sinister look. Aerial shots are used to capture the location.



Trailer activity- The Women In Black.

1)      The narrative of this film is that there is a haunted house with some sort of bad history as the local people fear it. The house is quite isolated from the rest of the town and the main character has to go to this house and faces trauma(ghost). You can also see from the trailer it revolves around children. –the genre is thriller.

2)      The parts which are left out is the end as we do not know what will happen to him and the introduction of the characters and the motive as to how the curse has come about.

3)      Apart from right at the beginning which shows the time set of the film as we see a steam train which allows the audience to see that it is set in the Victorian times. There are scary parts throughout the trailer inferring that it is scary throughout.

4)      There were around 72 shots used within the trailer showing many different shots, some being reviews, actors names, director.

5)      The story starts slow, giving the audience a jist of the film then turns soon as people begin to say stuff about the house from here, the pace soon goes fast as soon as we see bad things happening and the figure appearing.

6)      There are a series of fades at the start. Back to back shots which almost pieces the story together, but fades to black which allows different parts of the film to happen which also suggests mystery.

·         Texts say-Daniel Radcliff, this may make people want to see this film more as he is a very famous and a well known actor.

·         There was mysterious music-almost like children singing behind, in directing that there are children involved in the film.

·         Sounds build up from the time to time adding to the suspense to what may happen.

·         There are close ups on the peoples face before something bad happens. Establishing shots and pans are shown to see the isolation of the house itself and the surrounding.  

·         Uses different voiceovers from the film to almost tell a story. The fact that at the beginning there was a mature voice in the voiceover-shows that he knows the history/wise.











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